Episcopal City Mission Blog

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Upcoming Events

How Faith Communities Can Help End Homelessness: A New Vision

Sunday, February 28, 2010, 3:00-5:00 PM

First Parish in Concord, 20 Lexington Rd., Concord

Keynote Speaker: The Rev. Liz Walker

Guest Speakers:

Liz Curtis, Executive Director, Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness

Mary Doyle, Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership

State Legislators

Sponsors: Advocacy Network to End Family Homelessness and Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries.

Co-sponsors: Episcopal City Mission and UU Mass Action Network

To learn more visit: www.coopmet.org

Courage to Lead: a Retreat Day for People Engaged in Urban Ministry

Friday, April 30, 2010

Boston Nature Center, Mattapan, MA

Courage and Renewal Northeast

Is your work an expression of your deepest value that touches your soul that requires you to bring all of yourself to it?

Are you seeking space and time to access more of your inner resources, so you can be more present to the challenges of those to whom you minister or serve?

Do you feel compelled to step back and reflect, in order to move forward in your work with greater clarity?

Do these difficult times require you to be more present and attentive to the deepest values of your faith, your ministry, or your social justice work?

Where: Boston Nature Center in Mattapan, MA

Cost: $60, which includes continental breakfast, delicious lunch, and all materials.

Scholarships are available.

To learn more: Contact Sharlene Cochrane at 617-349-8477 cochrane@lesley.edu or

Donna Bivens, donnabivens@gmail.com.

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Save the Date: Annual Meeting June 7, 2011

Keynote speaker The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop the Episcopal Church

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